Woodbine Animal Clinic

Bringing a New Cat Home

Bringing home a new pet is a big responsibility. The most important thing when deciding to bring home a new cat or kitten is to be prepared.
Adequately sized metal or ceramic bowls for food and water, a litter box and litter are necessary. Talk to us about the best nutrition plan for your kitten or cat. Keeping your cat busy is important, too. There are various toys available to keep them active and engaged. We also recommend providing a scratching post or pad to keep them away from your furniture.

It is very important that anything which you do not want your kitten to get into, is not accessible: this will help ensure that inappropriate items or objects cannot be ingested. The next step would be to get your new friend to the veterinarian so that they can be thoroughly examined and vaccinated. Deworming and diet can be discussed as well. At your kitten’s first visit, we ask that you bring any history the breeder or shelter may have provided you with, as well as a fecal sample so we can test for parasites. Your kitten will have a total of 3 vaccine visits by the time they are 16 weeks old. This will ensure they are fully vaccinated and protected against harmful cat diseases found in Ontario.
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